Friday, November 30, 2012


tempestuous lovers signal me from dime-store truck stops and
red-light corners the moment my eyes slam shut
spotlights turn to blood beneath my delicate skin
gravity bends my cot through a keyhole as
the taste of iron coats my tongue
i remember the jagged curves and ruined clefts of your
P.O.W. promises trickling through the bars and i drank
with glee hoping your poison would finally 
break free and curdle my cell to cheese
i wake each day to cobwebs in my eyes and the artificial 
light from your heart reminding me there is no more
only symbols and signs and roadblocks and whores
and ditches and bitches galore and mediocre rest
stops on the sand from here to eternity

Thursday, November 29, 2012

by Adrien DoNOT

angry bunny

                                                                      Snooty. Snotty.

cum home?

Me wondering if I've been too forward or inappropriate is like a serial killer wondering if breaking in through the door or the window is less intrusive.