Saturday, August 4, 2012


Why can't I be somebody's somebody.

those damn Jedis

Three Days Grace


In this blind world of comm-fuckery
comes the mouthpiece of love and charity.
Dribbling Karo for show, tasty sweet
licking its drip over icy lips, dirty
limbs saluting over the white chalk of purity.
I see your molten face, your uncommon chastity
your broken smile peeling and revealing
your true identity. You're the sexual banality
of American flag-wavers and pulpit misery.
You kiss my vomit-stained cheek gleefully, as I lay
waste to my broken, fucked up, drunken


When night comes one more time
I scream into its face and cry
for the demon's to go, the blood in my
veins to curdle and weigh its pound
of flesh it extracts each day.
One more lick is all I can muster;
all I can pray for is the living
to die and the sun never to rise.
Evermore, I cry as the black 
of night and the bloody crows fly.

Emile Autumn, Liar-Manic Depressive Mix

Thursday, August 2, 2012


What is life but fleeting moments of happiness strung together on a necklace of despair~Marian Keyes, "This Charming Man"

Tank Girl again


wow, I got nothing today. Totally blank. I have plenty of angst. Let's see, wish I was in love yet loathe the thought. Sex. Sex is good, yes? But seriously, sex is easy. It's finding someone to stick around that's a fucking bitch. Wait, I mean, I've found fucking bitches that stuck around. I need to find a non-fucking-bitch, like a normal, sweet, sexy, fun, smart, geeky woman who likes me more than than she likes herself, well I mean, ...oh fuck it, there is too much, you know what I mean. Possible? Sure, I suppose. meh, I'll just sleep around.

OK, I lied a little. But now I am blank.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Batman vs Spawn

eyes and ink

ocean denizen


art art art


Shit Kickers

Join the rodeo they said.
It will be fun they said.
I put on my bangles and 
pasties and stepped into the
arena. Dancing stars surrounded
my head, blinked out the night.
I didn't expect the booing and 
hissing nor the mud-slinging. And
the bucking, the God-awful
bucking. Instantly stripped as
my body crumpled under
booted heels. So many hands 
and fingers, belts, and barbs prodding
poking stabbing at my exposed,
tender flesh. Then the cheering
began. Shrieking gouged my ear-
drums like a dagger through a
freshly caught fish. I crawled through
the dirt, breaking my nails on
busted ribs and cages of the lost,
woebegone ivory from the past.
Dear, agony spurned my torn muscle
on, beating towards my only hope of
salvation. A rusty spur. As warmth
spread under and around me my smile
knocked out the drooling throng, stilled
their lust for blood. My freshly borne
soul spun over their heads and out
to the unknown, welcoming heavens.

Monday, July 30, 2012


My mother told me, perhaps a warning, stop
entertaining and drawing in the darkness. I remember
years ago looking out My Window, admiring and
envying the beautiful girls and handsome boys.
This feels like then.
She will never see, will never try peeking
into the swirling black behind my blue eyes.
If she would, if only she could, she would see
it’s not dark here. There were monsters and
shadows and things that bumped me in the night.
But I scoured and I cried and washed with the tears
and blood haunting me. It’s no longer dark; only
grief survives. Like a hunchback ringing that
old, broken bell, it rings my head and bangs on
my heart. But I am clean. I am a knight in armor.
She should peek. Still, blind eyes cannot see nor
the heart of the ashamed.
I lost my favorite toy when I was a girl, a tiny
ray gun I played with everyday. I moaned and
wept and tore at my hair.
This feels like then.


I think of you, your
ghostly presence, whispering
in my jagged ear against
my rashy skin.
When you left, I left
with you leaving my ragged
heart behind to rot within
my ground beef corpse.
I couldn't stay with you long
stuffed inside your
smelly pocket, against
your molting flesh.
The liquor pouring from
my skin replaces
the tears I bottled up and gave you.
I saw you! Behind the curtain
like evil Oz, dumping them
down the drain, smiling that 
evil grin on your barbaric face.
I was at your feet at one 
time, you saw and waited,
you waited for me, crushing
my ribs with your worn Birkenstocks.


I hope
You slip the knife in gently
I hope
When you ask me to come you leave me alone
I hope
Each drop I spill won't find its way home
I hope
You slam the door quietly
I hope
One scream barks at your heels
I hope
The shudders will be drawn across my face
I hope
You take what you brought back to hell
I hope
When you see me there
I pray
You close your eyes to mine and walk on.

Tattoo embrace

The Joker



None of you ever deserved anything
I ever gave you. You were users and
always will be.You wouldn't recognize a
good heart if it was hand-delivered to
you....because, it was.  I gave it willingly and 
passionately and look what you did with it-
stomped it into the ground like a poisonous spider.