Tuesday, September 25, 2012


If I tore my chest inside out,
tempered my fingers with glass and
cracked open my heart, what's the admission
you'd make for a peek?
Can you penetrate, elbows deep, relishing its warmth, kiss my slick spot,
remove gangrenous tumors black like ink 
and smile,
tenderly covering each bruise with your lips?
If I whispered in your ear, dipped in blood, would you
immediately look for a spotless sink? Or will you hold my hand
pressing into me for a better look? Would you
could you let our scent linger, mingle, become one before
excusing yourself to the little girl's room, announcing me
Here I am dripping come stand by my side. Come
near come close come see come can't you fucking come.
I will sear you open, bandage YOUR wounds, kiss your pumping veins
collect the pieces falling far behind and press them in that damned
book of love we both left to rot in our shared torture chambers.
Come undone before me and I'll hand you the key. Press
your breast to mine and listen to the rush, scream my name,
and I'll bottle our shared tears and drink from them

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