Saturday, September 8, 2012

I'm back

I know. I know. Lame. Seriously, though, the surgery went well. I had this gun sutured onto my hand. Awesome. Same haircut, same channel; still shirtless. BOOM.

Monday, September 3, 2012

allusive blue

You blacken my eyes and I bury you
with an ax deep in my mind.
I foil your kisses with sharp objects
placed between my thighs, saving
each squirting drop of blood in
your thermos, praying every
morning for your demise.
Your fists have become petals
caressing my dreams of future
torture I manifest while serving
you sides of black-eyed peas.
My scars shout your words of
abuse and love as I shrink inside
my sanctuary and slowly carve my
escape route on your store-bought