Thursday, July 19, 2012

online dating

I belong to one dating website. And by dating I mean, I have a profile and a sarcastic description about myself on it. It's been there for two years. I've probably chatted with 8.5 chicks in that time. Just recently I've talked to two women who actually have brains and a personality. Anywhore, I get a message from this woman yesterday. Besides the horrible grammar and run-on sentences it's the same shitty, boring thing most lesbians put on their profiles: "I love the outdoors, camping, the Green Movement, and my 23 dogs." At the end of her message she says, "ask me anything." Another common, run-o-the-mill description, comment, whatever. So, this is what I ask her:

Ok......How much does grain cost in the UK? Also, if I were traveling on a train at 60 miles an hour and eating a hot dog, how fast would I get sick?

It didn't work, she kept messaging me back AND referring to herself and her husband/boyfriend in the first person. Um,....what now?

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